Monday, 14 November 2011

In Good Company

My partner Kai knew we were going to get a dog about a year before we actually did. I didn't, despite it being me who said, one wet, tired Sunday afternoon that 'I want to play with a puppy dog' and 'I want to tickle a puppy dog's tummy' (I sometimes speak like this, you'll get used to it). The search did not actually begin until nine or ten months later, with me randomly going to the Dog's Trust website, seeing some cutesy fellows and realising that yes I did want to do this.

Then we discovered Jolene. A gorgeous Scottish Terrier at Dog's Trust who began to win our hearts. Unfortunately we did not win hers and this little lass turned out to need experienced owners who could manage her complex needs. We then came close to re-homing Arthur. He was a lovely boy and we even had a home inspection carried out by Dog's Trust to check our house was suitable. However, when we arranged a second visit with him we discovered that he too needed handling and training by someone who really knew how to manage him. We just felt we were wrong for him.

We moved on from Dog's Trust to various other re-homing centres and eventually came upon a picture of an adorable boy who was not only ridiculously gorgeous but also looked like a lot of fun.  We found out a lot more and arranged to go and see him, pretty sure he was the one. He was. He didn't pay much attention to us when we first arrived as he was far too busy playing with his toys but eventually he involved us too and started being all cuddly and lying on Kai's feet. We ended up taking him home.

It's more than fair to say that during the days that followed Patches made himself at home. He settled in so well and it really wasn't long before he'd made himself comfortable upstairs on our bed.

So that was a year and half ago and Patches has made us into a little family. We adore him and I'm pretty sure he feels likewise.

So that's Patches. But who are Patches & Co and why? Well, I've always liked the idea of setting up a business and despite the economic doom and gloom  it seems like an ideal time. I need something to focus on aside from my career, passionate as I am about it. I want to build something, even something small and spending more time with the pup is definitely a bonus. Anyway, economic downturn or not, when isn't it the right time to sell owl cushions?!

So the past few months have been all about me researching, very carefully, what running a small business would be like, what it involves and whether it's for me. It has been about getting training and support, gaining a lot of advice and help from friends and look into a whole range of beautiful products I simply must try and sell. It feels great and so far I can honestly say has been positively fulfilling for the soul.

And so, Patches & Co is born. Hi! I hope it will be a long, fun journey for which you'll join us. We'll keep you posted on what we're up to, on this ride of self-employment and all it entails.

Love Julie & Patches

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