Monday, 19 December 2011

Zen Trifles.

Christmas is just under a week away and it's time I started wrapping. Scrap that. It's time I started buying! Seriously, the only presents I have bought so far are for Patches and my parents' cat Katy. I know I'm leaving it very late but I actually quite enjoy this. I like going shopping armed with a concise list and making prompt decisions about what to buy. It definitely requires having a firm head and taking a spy-like approach to Christmas-shopper hell.  Double 0 Jones. JJ's Zen guide to Queen St.
I cannot wait to give Patches this one present: It's a wooden puzzle where you hide treats inside and they have to figure out how to get them out. I think he will love this.
I'm also really looking forward to Christmas Day. For the first time in our entire relationship Kai and me are going to be having a Christmas alone. This is harder for Kai as his family are normally visiting from Greece but sadly are not able to be here this year. Plus my parents decided to have a quiet one. So we've been left pondering on what exactly we're going to do to fill the day. So far, beyond the usual, it's going to consist of trifle and cocktails. Could be interesting.
Time to reflect. Patches & Co. We've been open for just over three weeks now and with days until Christmas it seems like a good time to consider how things are going, what we've learnt and what happens next.
It's been a fantastic couple of weeks. We've had so much support, encouragement and positive feedback. I did not consider quite how much interest would be taken in what we're doing so thank you!! It means so much.
The one constructive question we've had a few times is stock and when are we getting more? The amount of products we have had on the site have been low and this has actually been quite purposeful. I have never done anything like this before, didn't know what to expect plus had to continue to maintain my regular job. My plan initially has been to promote the site to people I know and immediate social networks. This has been in order to allow me to dip my feet in, try things out, see what people think and ensure that I am able to manage the process of running an ecommerce site effectively.
It is a continual learning curve really but one which so far has been FUN!! In the last blog I made a comment about the process of setting up a business as being fulfilling for the soul. This is definitely still the case. It's just a tiny thing really, Patches & Co. But it's my tiny thing; it's Patches and Kai's tiny thing too. So, more stock is definitely coming. Gradually but on it's way!
I'm really looking forward to going to this amazing trade event in London in January. I went to the last one in September and it was fantastic research into the products becoming available, the artistic integrity and passion around from smaller traders and inspiration for where I want the site to progress to.
I would really appreciate feedback and ideas about what YOU would like to see! It all means nothing without you! Please drop us a line about anything at all at
Until then, have a fabulous Christmas and New Year.
Love and puppy cuddles
..and, of course, Patches XXX

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